Investment Criteria
Tilden Properties specializes in identifying underperforming, mismanaged and undercapitalized apartment properties where value can be created through renovation, repositioning, recapitalization, strategic management or a combination of these elements. The company is committed to acquiring assets in strategically identified submarkets, researched to ensure high barriers to entry and strong fundamentals so the company can apply its experience in creating value through expert management, comprehensive renovation and diligent program execution.
The company has developed a set of strict investment criteria to guide its acquisition interests. These include:
- Property Size: at/over 100 units and larger/portfolios of same
- Acquisition Cost: $20 Million to $120 Million
- Target Markets: California and Nevada
- Property Age: 1980s construction or newer
- New Construction: During lease up or prior to completion
- Market Characteristics: Urban / Suburban/Low Unemployment / Barriers to Entry / Solid Retail / Good Schools
- Finance: Fits preferred return and overall return metrics. No exceptions.